Test our EUDI-Wallet Demo
Experience the user flow of using an EUDI-Wallet. Test a seamless digital interaction with organisations and companies.

Experience the user flow of using an EUDI-Wallet. Test a seamless digital interaction with organisations and companies.
Test our demo now without obligation
How can end users interact with public organsations and large enterprises?
Try Lissi DemoSimply issue one of the four proofs via QR code or e-mail directly into your own wallet.
Have you already issued a certificate? Here you can simply request it by QR code or e-mail.
Lissi is one of the four final companies in the German EUDI-Wallet Prototypes Challenge of the Federal Agency for Breakthrough Innovation "SPRIND", which started with players such as Google and Samsung. Our goal for the final round is to demonstrate the best implementation approach for the German EUDI-Wallet.
In the next months we will implement:
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