Eudi wallet qualified attributes of attestations cases

What are Qualified Electronic Attributes of Attestations?

Qualified Electronic Attestations of Attributes (QEAA) are verifiable digital credentials, which are proving the trustworthiness of a characteristic of a natural or legal person. They provide a trustworthy basis with additional security and liability to guarantee a high degree of trust. This includes, for example, digital driving licences, addresses, tax data, educational certificates or banking information.

As they have the equivalent legal effect of paper based attestation, QEAAs must be provided by a Qualified Trust Service Providers (QTSPs) to ensure the adherence to predefined high-trust mechanism. QTSPs are trust service providers that have been granted qualified status by the supervisory authority of the respective member state. The EU provides a QTSP dashboard illustrating all 270 certified entities in Europe. They provide trust services such as the qualified creation and certification of electronic signatures, seals or timestamps in accordance with the eIDAS regulation.

Benefits for QTSPs using the Lissi Connector

In combination with the European Digital Identity Wallet(EUDI-Wallet), qualified attestations have the potential to gradually convert and securely store all relevant certificates, documents or records in digital format. This streamlines administrative procedures, which currently rely heavily on original documents or notarised copies in paper form. With regulated and trusted documents such as QEAAs processes can be faster, more efficient and improve security in an organisation. The use of QEAAs for processes also has the benefit of risk reduction, as they have a high level of assurance.

As EUDI-Wallet and QEAAs standards will be recognised and mandated for acceptance across European member states, organisations can be certain that they are fulfilling regulatory requirements. Additionally, this allows for the exploration of new business models and market opportunities.

Sealed stamp
Seal EAAs with your existing infrastructure to create QEAAs
Create EAAs and issue QEAAs with the Lissi Connector to an EUDI-Wallet
Request the PID for identification purposes from EUDI-Wallets
Be an early adopter and secure market share early on

Easily issue and verify secure credentials (QEAAs)

Issuance illustration

Issuance and verification

eIDAS will make it possible for official documents such as university degrees to be issued in electronic form. This means, for example, that a master's student at a university can receive proof of their degree directly in their EUDI wallet after graduating. Subsequent issuance based on register data at the university is also possible. In both scenarios, the certificate is issued either via the university directly or a QTSP.  In the following the issuance via a QTSP is described.


Identification and verification

The QTSP identifies the user on the basis of the Person Identification Data (PID) provided by the EUDI-Wallet and validates the attestation by making a request to the respective education institution.



The electronic education attestation is cryptographically secured and validated by the QTSP using an electronic seal to sign a credential, resulting in the creation of a QEAA.



The QEAA is then issued to the user's EUDI-Wallet via an EUDI-Wallet Connector software, such as the Lissi EUDI-Wallet Connector.


Usage and presentation

Finally, the relying party, to which the user wishes to apply as a software engineer, sends a request for the needed attributes contained in the QEAA to the user's EUDI-Wallet via a connector software. The wallet user can present the QEAA and verify that he or she has a degree in information technology.

expiration illustration

Revocation & Expiration

An Electronic Attestation of Attributes (QEAA) is valid, until one of these events occur:


The EAA is deleted by the user, to whom it was issued.


The EAA expires, on the basis of the EAAs validity end date.


The attestation is revoked when the provider, in this case the QTSP, takes action to revoke it or when a third party notifies the provider of the need for revocation.

eIDAS 2 credentials




EUDI-Wallet conform

EU-wide standardisation

Support selective disclosure


Attributes that require a moderate trust level

Non-identification attributes, that require high trust level

Identification attributes of a person


Moderate security

High level of security and assurance

Highest level of security and assurance

Data source

Derived from reliable source in the attributes domain

Derived from an authentic source

Authentic source, which is authorised by a member state

Validated by

Validated by primary instance of the attribute

Validated by qualified 
trust service provider

Validated by qualified trust service provider

Basis for

All services that only need moderate trust levels

Basis for all high trust services outside the identification scope

Basis for all 
identification services

Use cases

Employee card, student-IDs or customer cards

Tax data, mobile driver licence

Identification (Know-your-customer)

See our other EUDI-Wallet Use Cases

PID-Verification for KYC

Significantly increase the efficiency of your organisation's KYC processes and dramatically reduce costs with the verification of the Person Identification Data. Integrate the EUDI-Wallet and the Lissi EUDI-Wallet Connector software into your services to streamline the verification process.

Read more
Issuing and verification of credentials (EAA)

Create complete new user experiences and streamline current processes by issuing and requesting secure digital credentials such as certificates, qualifications, tickets or other proofs to and from a user's mobile EUDI or ID wallet.

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Strong Customer  Authentication (SCA)

Bring eIDAS-compliant strong customer authentication to your organisation and benefit from highly secure authentication for payment approvals or multi-factor logins without the need for a user password.

Read more