The eIDAS 2 regulation
and the EUDI-Wallet

What are the objectives of revising the eIDAS regulation?

The eIDAS Regulation creates a legal framework for the EU-wide recognition and use of digital identities, seals and national eID implementations. However, the regulation did not have the desired success and in 2022, the European Parliament investigated how it could be improved.

These objectives are reflected in the development and implementation of the eIDAS 2 regulation, which aims to further strengthen and expand these aspects through the introduction of European Digital Identity Wallets.

Promotion of
cross-border interoperability

Of electronic identification means and trust services to enhance the digital business environment within the EU.

Strengthening consumer trust

In electronic transactions by establishing a legal framework for electronic signatures, seals, time stamps, electronic documents, and authentication.

Improving the efficiency

Of electronic transactions for businesses and consumers in the digital space.

Supporting the digitization

Of processes in the public sector as well as in the private sector to promote a seamless digital single market.

What innovations does eIDAS 2 introduce?

The innovations of eIDAS 2 primarily include the introduction of European Digital Identity Wallets. These EU-Wallets serve as a central platform for storing Personal Identification Data (PID) and support a variety of digital attestations such as driver's licenses, educational credentials, and more. The key innovations include:

These innovations aim to further strengthen cross-border interoperability and trust in electronic transactions within the EU by creating a secure and unified solution for digital identities.

European Digital Identity Wallets as the centerpiece

EUDI-Wallets allow EU citizens to manage their identity digitally and gain easy access to digital services. These wallets are offered in the form of a smartphone app.

Storage of PID:

Each EU Member State must provide a digital ID card (the PID) that can be stored in the wallet, along with other digital attestations.

Qualified Electronic Attestations of Attributes (QEAAs):

These regulated attestations can be stored in the EUDI-Wallets and presented when needed, supporting digital identification and authentication in various contexts.

Obligation to accept:

There is an obligation for the public sector and certain private sector businesses to accept the EUDI-Wallets in various use cases.

Discover the user flow of the ID-Wallet

Demo for credential issuance into EU ID-Wallet

Simply issue one of the four proofs via QR code or e-mail directly into your own wallet.

What technical and regulatory requirements does eIDAS 2 impose on organisations?

Identification (KYC)

Organisations that are legally required to conduct a KYC (Know Your Customer) process must also support this process with the European Digital Identity Wallet, to enable a more efficient and secure verification of the identity of the customer.

Strong User Authentication (SCA)

Organisations that are obligated by national or EU law to employ strong User authentication procedures must also support the process with the EUDI-Wallet, to increase security in online transactions.

Authentication on major platforms

Online platforms, defined as "gatekeepers" under the EU Digital Markets Act, must accept EUDI-Wallets for user authentication, including social networks, search engines, and marketplaces with significant influence in the EU internal market.

Many organisations, depending on their size and industry, will be required to accept their customers' European Digital Identity Wallets. The EU's goal is to achieve as widespread adoption of the EU-Wallets as possible, as quickly as possible. However, this also means that organisations must integrate the Wallets into their own customer processes. The following acceptance obligations exist

What technical Standards does eIDAS 2 define for the EUDI-Wallets?

eIDAS architecture reference framework

The eIDAS regulation and EUDI-Wallets adhere to a specific Architecture Reference Framework (ARF), which provides comprehensive technical guidelines and standards for their development and implementation.This framework, developed by the eIDAS Expert Tool-Group with two representatives per member state – for Germany, these are representatives from the BSI and the Federal Network Agency –, serves as the foundation for interoperable, secure, and user-friendly digital identity solutions in the EU.

It includes specifications for the architecture, security, data protection, and interoperability of EUDI-Wallets to ensure their uniform implementation and compatibility.Additionally, there is an EUDI-Wallet reference implementation, which, as an open-source solution, enables tests for interoperability and compatibility within the overall system.As a "living document," the ARF is continuously updated to integrate new technical standards, thus dynamically accompanying the development of the digital identity landscape in the EU.

Who is already working on implementing the revised regulation?

Potential logo - lissi wallet

Led by France and Germany, this project is dedicated to use cases including identification for administrative procedures and account opening, SIM registration, mobile driving licences, electronic signatures, and prescriptions.

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EWC logo - lissi wallet
EWC (European Wallet Consortium)

Led by Sweden and Finland, this project focuses on use cases related to travel, payments, and organisational identities.

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Nobid logo - lissi wallet

A consortium of Nordic and Baltic countries along with other European partners, focused on the cross-border use of national eID solutions and the use of the EUDI-Wallet for domestic and cross-border payment transactions.

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DC4EU logo - lissi wallet
DC4EU (Digital Credentials for the EU)

21 member states led by Spain, focuses on credentials in education and social security to promote EU-internal mobility and integration.

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German wallet mockup

German Consultation Process of the Ministry of Interior

The German Consultation Process is a central part of the efforts to implement the eIDAS 2 regulation for Germany. The process is led by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and executed by the Agency for Leap Innovations (SPRINT). It aims to bring together stakeholders from various sectors to gather feedback, insights, and suggestions for the German design and implementation of the new requirements of the eIDAS regulation.

In the consultation process, technical, legal, and operational aspects of the eIDAS overall system are discussed to ensure that the final solution meets the needs of all stakeholders. So far, this consultation process has led to the development of a broader understanding of the requirements and challenges of European Digital Identity Wallets.

The process is an ongoing endeavour that contributes to the continuous improvement and adaptation of the German implementation strategy. In the coming months, concrete technical specifications of the German eIDAS implementation, as well as more details on the German EUDI-Wallets, are expected.

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How can my organisation develop an EUDI-Wallet strategy?

To develop a EUDI-Wallet strategy, we recommend a three-step approach
Initial Assessment and knowledge building

Determine the requirements, changes, and potentials of the EUDI-Wallet for your organisation by accessing relevant documentation and expert knowledge. Consider data protection, integration with existing systems, user experience, and costs.

Stakeholder engagement and requirements analysis

Identify how the EUDI-Wallet can be integrated into business processes and analyse its impact on customer interactions and internal operations through workshops and customer feedback.

Strategic planning and roadmap development

Develop a clear plan for the integration of the EUDI-Wallet, including a detailed roadmap with timelines, milestones, and specific actions to align the EUDI-Wallet integration with your organisation's overarching goals.

By following these steps, you can develop an effective EU-Wallet strategy that not only meets legal requirements but also creates a long-term competitive advantage. To ensure the success of this process, we recommend participating in our EUDI-Wallet Pilot Program, which offers the following benefits

Lissi EUDI-Wallet pilot program

connector laptop mockup
Early preparation for eIDAS 2 requirements and obligations
Testing of potential use cases
Better understanding of processes and user acceptance
Validation of required technical integration and performance
Risk mitigation through testing and integration in a controlled environment
Exclusive insights into strategic developments at European level
Early strategic positioning as a first mover
Explore our ID-Wallet Connector

What are the actors in the European digital identity framework?

EUDI-Wallet providers
PID providers
EUDI-Wallet users
Issuers (non-qualified trust service providers)
Relying parties
Qualified trust service providers
QEAA schema providers
Authentic sources
Trusted lists
Regulatory authorities and supervisory bodies
Technology providers
Data protection officers and authorities